Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Lintec: window films for Asian markets

Lintec Corp. is reportedly planning to use its group companies in the promotion of its window films in Asian markets such as China, South Korea and Southeast Asia. The company“s window films are adhe…

Lintec Corp. is reportedly planning to use its group companies in the promotion of its window films in Asian markets such as China, South Korea and Southeast Asia. The company“s window films are adhered to glass surfaces to improve safety, security and air-conditioning efficiency. According the company, its US subsidiaries are already building up sales in the West, and plans are to optimize its marketing networks and localize production, so as to tap the growing Asian market. Lintec has an extensive range of products designed for safety, which prevent the scattering of glass shards in the event of glass breakage; for security, by obstructing destruction and intrusion; thermal insulation; as well as for decoration. These products are used in office buildings, commercial facilities, hospitals, schools, public buildings and residential homes. The company is also studying applications for its highly transparent solar-radiation transmission window film, to shield indoor spaces from ultraviolet radiation in summer to enhance air-conditioning efficiency, thereby saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions.

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