18 March 1999: According to a recent report, the ministry of Ukraine“s foreign trade has revoked its orders, which had introduced individual licensing of foreign trade activity for a number of Ukrain…
18 March 1999: According to a recent report, the ministry of Ukraine“s foreign trade has revoked its orders, which had introduced individual licensing of foreign trade activity for a number of Ukraine companies, including: Popasnianskyi glassworks, the Pivnichnyi (Northern) dressing mill, the Khartsyzsk-based pipe plant, the TochMash (Presice Engineering) plant in Odessa, UkrZaliznytsia“s (Railroad) mechanical shops in Kiev, an experimental industrial technologies plant, the Crimean soda plant, the DniproPress plant and the company TopTrans. The report said the same sanctions have been lifted for the following non-resident companies: Armada in Hungary, Pocketbond Ltd. of the UK, International in Poland, GomelDrev in Byelarus, Belton of Latvia, Eastr De Ltd. of Rep. of Ireland and Russia“s TochPribor-Marketing (Precision Tools), as well as TatNeft (Tatar Oil).