Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

SVC: registration now open for 54th Annual Technical Conference

The Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) has announced that registration is open for its Annual Technical Conference. This 54th conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago from 16-21 April 2011, w…

The Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) has announced that registration is open for its Annual Technical Conference. This 54th conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago from 16-21 April 2011, with the Exhibit from 19-20 April. This year, in addition to the key traditional technical sessions, SVC has added two new Symposia, which address photovoltaic manufacturing and PVD coating advances and its future outlook. During the Symposium on Manufacturing and Technology for Thin Film Photovoltaics, the SVC will look at future photovoltaic markets and growth, government programmes developing green renewable technology, and funding for manufacturing plants. The Symposium will also cover the various thin film photovoltaic technologies and explore the latest manufacturing processes and equipment. The Symposium on Coating Advances and its Impact on the Future of the Vacuum Coating Industry will give the industry and scientific community guidance as to what the future may hold as vacuum coating applications change and markets grow. It will identify new markets that are poised for growth, markets seeing decline and distinguish market leaders both from a corporate and research point of view. Emerging vacuum processes and non-vacuum coating technologies will be compared with existing PVD and other vacuum-based processes. Vacuum coating technology plays a vital role in the success of several industries. The Traditional Program Sessions feature a strong line-up of key speakers on the advances of coatings across a variety of applications, including: Optical Coating, Tribological and Decorative Coating, Clean Technology, and Processes and Coatings for Health Care Applications. In our broader process and science-oriented sessions, we illuminate developments in Plasma Processing, High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS), and Emerging Technologies. Production-based sessions include Large Area Coating and Vacuum Web Coating. The SVC Exhibit in Chicago has been enhanced to incorporate new business-friendly events, crafted to provide learning, networking and business opportunities for all TechCon participants throughout the entire two-day Exhibit. In addition to a global collection of manufacturers and suppliers of vacuum deposition equipment, analytical equipment and components, SVC will provide valuable networking opportunities inside the Exhibit Hall to allow more interaction between those seeking information on our technology and those who can offer solutions. A strong commitment to education is part of SVC“s charter. Twenty-six tutorials, taught by specialists in the topic, will be presented during the TechCon, allowing both novice and experienced vacuum coaters the ability to broaden their understanding of the applications of vacuum coating. Further details, download of the preliminary programme, and submission of abstracts for the poster session, vendor innovation showcase and Heurka! can be found and carried out at, or by contacting or +1-505/856-7188.

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