Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Jablonex Group: closure of Jablonec-nad-Nisou plant

Jablonex Group (JG) (Czech Republic), glass and bijouterie group, closed its glass bijouterie manufacturing plant in Jablonec-nad-Nisou on 30 September 2009, sacking more than 100 employees. The plant…

Jablonex Group (JG) (Czech Republic), glass and bijouterie group, closed its glass bijouterie manufacturing plant in Jablonec-nad-Nisou on 30 September 2009, sacking more than 100 employees. The plant has been up for sale since August 2009, for more than CEK 124 million. Another two glassworks of the JG group, with more than 1,000 employees, located in Zasada and Desna, and which were owned by Ornela (Czech Republic), will be acquired by Czech glass and bijouterie company Preciosa in the second half of 2009.

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