From 26 to 30 July 2010, 26 students and 6 teaching staff gathered at the Laboratoire des Collodes, Verres, et Nanomatriaux (LCVN) Universit Montpellier II, France for the second annual ICG Summer Sch…
From 26 to 30 July 2010, 26 students and 6 teaching staff gathered at the Laboratoire des Collodes, Verres, et Nanomatriaux (LCVN) Universit Montpellier II, France for the second annual ICG Summer School. The event was organized under the auspices of the ICG by Prof. B. Hehlen, based in Montpellier and Prof. J.M. Parker of the University of Sheffield. The title of the conference was Glass; the fourth state of matter? which provided the topic for an end of event debate. The overall course structure though was broader with an opening day offering a general introduction, and the next three days focussed on specific themes: “the glass transition“, “crystallisation“ and “glass surfaces“. The first event in the series took place in May 2009, and was organized as part of the EFONGA European Grant which allowed all local costs for students and lecturers to be paid, the workshop being a key part of the Networking Process. The second event had to be break-even and so required the students to pay for their accommodation in a local student hall of residence and also a small conference fee. A contribution to the costs from the Languedoc-Roussillon Regional Council and from the University Montpellier 2 helped to maintain fees at a low level. The second course attracted students from a wider geographical background. Nineteen students came from 10 different European countries, but attendees from both industry and academia were also welcomed from Japan, India, Thailand, the US and Canada. A third event is planned for 4-8 July 2011 in Montpellier. Different subjects will be chosen as the theme and small changes to the format will be made based on the experiences of the students at this event; but broadly following a similar structure. Those interested in joining the next workshop, can contact Prof. Parker or Prof. Hehlen at the addresses below: