
Hiden Analytical provides characterisation and quality control of MBE processes

Hiden Analytical present a family of quadrupole mass spectrometer-based diagnostic instruments

Hiden Analytical’s MBE process-specific technical information sheet includes prmary features of the new range of quadrupole mass spectrometer-based diagnostic instruments.

Hiden Analytical present a family of quadrupole mass spectrometer-based diagnostic instruments with specific application to the molecular beam epitaxy process and to post-process thin film evaluation, with primary features highlighted in the new MBE process-specific technical information sheet.
In-process probes are specifically constructed for operation in the reactive molecular beam deposition environment, using low-reactivity construction materials and with extensive surface screening. Instruments includes the HALO MBE residual gas analyser, the XBS molecular beam deposition rate monitor with ion beam acceptance through a 70° cone angle, and a modular SIMS surface analysis tool with integrated fine-focus ion gun for in-process surface layer evaluation.
The AutoSIMS system is offered for measurement of post-process surface layer composition and for depth profile compositional changes through depths typically up to a micron. The system has an interchangeable cassette-style multi-sample holder with automated X-Y positioning stage enabling fully automated unattended operation. The fine-focus ion gun is both oxygen and argon compatible.

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