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Glass Expo Northeast™ seminars on business growth

The seminars at the upcoming Glass Expo Northeast show will cover topics ranging from architectural products and IG glass, to company and market research and advice to help, according to its organizers, grow business.

The Glass Expo Northeast show, scheduled for 7-8 March in Hauppauge (Long Island), N.Y., will feature a line-up of informative seminars designed to help attendees grow their businesses.
Roy Cannon, director of technical services for Pecora, and Darijo Babic, national architectural manager for PPG Industries, will provide a session titled “The Architectural Industry’s New Products: Sealants and High-Performance Insulating Glass.” This seminar will address the new types of sealants and the latest in high-performance insulating glass.
Andrew Hulse, vice president of business development for Sage Electrochromics Inc., will offer a session called “Electronically Tintable Glass as an Architectural Enabler.” Hulse will discuss the variety of uses and applications available for today’s electronically tintable glass products.
Lyle Hill, managing director for Keytech North America and a popular blogger for usgnn.com™ and a columnist for USGlass magazine, will speak during a seminar entitled “The Three Most Important Things.” Hill will discuss the three most important things a business owner can do to achieve success both professionally and personally.
Marketing expert Kelly McDonald of McDonald Marketing will serve as the keynote speaker and will discuss “Understanding the Customer of the Future.” McDonald will address how to build business with people who are different from you, along with how to define today’s customer – what they are looking for, what they need and more.
A seminar titled “Fenestration and Today’s Energy Codes and Green Standards” will address how to comply with the latest codes and green standards. David Warden, brand manager for the EnerGfaçade product line for YKK AP America, will lead the session.
usgnn.com/USGlass magazine publisher Debra Levy will address using Facebook, Twitter and Groupon in today’s glass industry in a session titled “Facebook+Twitter+Groupon! Oh My!” Levy will discuss how to combine your company’s social media content with sharing through social networks to create targeted marketing results.
Nick Bagatelos, president of BISEM Inc., will discuss “Understanding and Selling Photovoltaics in the Glass Industry.” Bisem will explain what glazing options are available, the variety of possible applications and the energy reductions available to customers through the use of photovoltaic products.

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