
Glass and Modern Technologies XXI

The Moscow event will focus on increasing the effectiveness of glass making

StekloSoyuz of Russia will host the conference Glass and Modern Technologies – XXI, which will be held on December 11, 2018 in Moscow, 1st Schipkovsky Lane, 20, Serpukhovskaya metro station, in the building of the International Industrial Academy, 1st floor.

The theme of the conference is “Increasing the effectiveness of glass making: machines, equipment, control systems, raw materials, refractories and furnaces. Problems and solutions will be addressed, as well as industrial processing of sheet glass.

The task of the forum is to offer analysis of the current state and prospects for the growth of the glass industry until 2025, development of consumption and production and issues of training.

The International Glass Conference will provide a scientific discussion of consumers and producers, business people, scientists, teachers and practitioners of Russia, the CIS and foreign countries.

The conference will allow professionals to overcome difficulties together, with united efforts on precise technological parameters. It is intended to successfully develop business contacts, to understand technical requirements and to react in due time to inquiries of the consumer of your products.

To participate in the forum, it is necessary to send the completed application to the Organizing Committee by e-mail:

The application for participation is available at

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