
First ICG Summer School in Shanghai

ICG held its first Summer School in China in August this year, in Shanghai. Officially opened on 20 August, the school was attended by 34 students. Fourteen experts from Japan, South Korea and China gave in-depth explanations of the structure, performance and applications of glass.

An ICG “Functional Glasses” Summer School was held in Shanghai University from 19 to 24 August 2012, hosted by the International Commission on Glass (ICG) and the Chinese Ceramic Society, and organized by Shanghai University, China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd and South China University of Technology.
The summer school was opened officially on 20 August. The Honorary president of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Zhang Renwei participated in the opening ceremony which was presided over by the vice secretary-general of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Tan Fu. The president of the Summer School Organizing Committee, Professor Qiu Jianrong from the South China University of Technology, and Secretary-general of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Jin Zhanping delivered speeches, expressing heartfelt thanks to the 14 experts who had come to lecture and a warm welcome to the 34 students. The president of International Commission on Glass and vice director-general of the Chinese Ceramic Society Peng Shou hosted a banquet to receive the distinguished guests, experts and students.
The 14 experts from Japan, South Korea and China gave in-depth explanations of the structure, performance and applications of glass. 34 PhD students and young researchers from universities and research institutes participated in the Summer School. The official language of the lecture and discussion is English.
Prof. S. Tanabe from Kyoto University, Japan lectured on “Fundamentals and photonic applications of rare-earth doped materials and Prof. Guanshi Qin from Jinlin University, China on “Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in soft-glass microstructured fibers”. Prof. J. Heo from Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea spoke on “Nano-structured glasses containing quantum dots and nano-crystals” and Prof. Jianrong Qiu from South China University of Technology on “Realization of novel optical functions by fs laser micromodification in glass”. Prof. Lili Hu from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) gave an overview on “Optical glasses and laser glasses”. Prof. A. Osaka from Okayama University, Japan gave a lecture “glasses as media for fabricating nano-crystalline oxide rod arrays – a technique from bioglass research”. Prof. Jiang Chang from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS taught on “Bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics for biomedical applications”. Prof. Xiujian Zhao from Wuhan University of Technology gave a lecture “Functional thin films using glass as substrate” and Prof. Yanfeng Gao from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS on “Functional thin-film for energy-saving”. Prof. Yiwang Bao from China Building Materials Academy spoke on “Evaluation of micro-strength of glass” and Prof. Yuansheng Wang from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS on “Realization of novel function by crystallization of glass”. Prof. Shifeng Zhou from Zhejiang University gave a lecture “Microstructure manipulation of glass and performance optimization”. Dr. Longyue Jiang from China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd gave a lecture “The Development of Chinese Float Glass Technologies and Equipment”. Dr. Genbao Xu from Bengbu Design and Research Institute for Glass Industry gave a lecture “Sputtered AZO Glass & Its Application in TF Solar Cell”.
The lectures elucidated the important fundamentals and the latest technological advances in and prospects for functional glasses. During the lectures, students listened to the teachers attentively, raised questions actively, and had heated discussions and communication with each other. The students also introduced their research subjects and interests.
Visits to Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Shanghai Lightsource) and Shanghai Liuligongfang Museum were arranged.
Students participating in the Summer School were also divided into six working groups to discuss:  “future telecommunication glass”, “future architecture glass”, “future energy glass”, “future automobile glass”, “future biological technology glass”, and “future glass for daily use”.
ICG is a non-profit international Glass Society consisting of 34 national organizations in glass science and technology. The aim of ICG is to promote cooperation between glass experts. ICG organizes Technical Committee (TC) work (laboratory round robins, publication of scientific and technical papers). ICG organizes the International Congress on Glass every three years.

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