
Complete control over the entire production process

The pressure of competition in the global glass industry is growing. To meet this challenge, companies are doing everything they can to further increase quality and maximize yields.

Inspection systems are of crucial importance in this, as they produce large amounts of critical quality data. Evaluating and assessing all the relevant information in an intelligent and thorough manner also enables resources to be saved and yields to be increased even further. Quick data processing and analysis ISRA’s Enterprise PROduction Management Intelligence (EPROMI) system is the ideal solution for the glass industry to accomplish these tasks. The data mining software offers information with maximum transparency and is crucial to the standardization of communication and information processes within a company. Important data is sorted, processed, analyzed and displayed in next to no time, in the form of charts and standardized reports. EPROMI analyzes various production and quality data obtained from production, consolidates that information across all processes and uses it to generate valuable information, such as defect causes, at the plant level. Increased knowledge of production processes The large data volumes are evaluated digitally and used to generate valuable operational knowledge. EPROMI makes it possible to combine all data accrued in a company and to analyze and evaluate this data in a manner that is tailored to the needs of all management and production levels – taking data security into account. Based on the efficient use of production data, production managers can gain an even deeper understanding of their processes. Inspection results and process parameters are displayed in either standardized or customized cockpits that can be adapted to the user’s needs and requirements. The software and the inspection hardware integrated into EPROMI generate valuable process knowledge. Another option is to opt for a connected software solution that is used without ISRA inspection systems. Supporting decision-making processes at every level of the company EPROMI enables reliable quality decisions at every level of a company by pooling data to form valuable expertise. Management-level decision-making processes in glass production are supported by reliable information, and valuable knowledge is generated to enable increases in yield. This allows glass manufacturers to achieve maximum quality and optimize their production, as they can rely on optimum, cost-efficient information on processes and products at all times. The result is optimized processes and the reduced use of resources – putting Industry 4.0 into practice.
Clearly-displayed information enables production managers to make informed decisions and resolve issues quickly. By connecting sensors, machines and users and by combining vast amounts of production and quality data within seconds, Isra’s EPROMI (Enterprise PROduction Management Intelligence) solution offers complete information with the degree of transparency required. Inspection results and the relevant process parameters are displayed in customer-specific cockpits and support operational and strategic decision-making processes.

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