Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Caspian Float Glass: construciton according to schedule

Caspian Float Glass, under construction in the Russian district of Kumtorkalinsky, received a visit from governmental officials to inspect construction. According to the Russian Minister of Industry and Energy RD Rizvan Gazimagomedov, construction of the plant is moving according to schedule.

On 13 February the Russian Minister of Industry and Energy RD Rizvan Gazimagomedov held an exit session of governmental officials to inspect the construction site of the Caspian Float Glass plant in the Kumtorkalinsky district.
At the meeting, the Minister reported on the implementation of the investment project. Caspian Float Glass plant is one of the largest private investment projects not only in the republic, but throughout the country. The initial stage output of the enterprise is expected to reach 600 tons of float glass per day. The planned plant area is 500 square kilometres; with total project costs of RUB 10 billion.
Specialists are also involved into the construction of a gas pipeline from the gas station to the plant, which is expected to be completed in the second part of February.
Summing up the meeting, Rizvan Gazimagomedov noted that the construction of the Caspian Float Glass plant is moving in accordance with schedule.

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