Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Bystronic glass technology centres: new year, new name

From January 2009, the two German Bystronic glass technology centres will be renamed: Armatec Vierhaus GmbH will operate under the name Bystronic Armatec GmbH and Lenhardt Maschinenbau GmbH will be ca…

From January 2009, the two German Bystronic glass technology centres will be renamed: Armatec Vierhaus GmbH will operate under the name Bystronic Armatec GmbH and Lenhardt Maschinenbau GmbH will be called Bystronic Lenhardt GmbH as of 1 January 2009. “With the name change, we would like to set a signal and convey more actively that we have been in existence as an internal unit for almost six years: We are the Bystronic glass group and communicate as well as trade under this corporate brand”, said Richard Jakob, CEO of the Bystronic glass group, adding “A market analysis, which was conducted this year, has shown that we can continue to improve our public perception in this way”. From a legal perspective, customers will not be affected by the name change: All existing contracts will remain unaltered. Furthermore, the name of the technology centre Bystronic Maschinen AG in Btzberg, Switzerland, will also stay the same.

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