
Beneq and DSM partner on aerosol deposition technology for solar applications

Combination of nFOG and KhepriCoat technologies to deliver superior quality of anti-reflective coating on solar cover glass.

Beneq, the global supplier of production and research equipment for thin-film ALD and aerosol coatings, and Royal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, are working together developing and commercializing a completely new and superior aerosol deposition technology for AR coatings for solar glass applications. In this exclusive collaboration, Beneq will contribute its recently released nFOG aerosol coating technology while DSM will provide its unique KhepriCoat AR coating. The combination of these two technologies provides an AR coating solution that is ideal for applications that require a superior coating quality on solar glass.
“The demands of the solar market industry in terms of quality are increasing,” says Oscar Goddijn, Vice President of DSM Advanced Surfaces. “We’re delighted to partner with Beneq, which has established itself as an undisputed leader in the development of innovative deposition technologies for the solar industry. This kind of open innovation is also extremely important to DSM. Together, we’ll be able to leverage and amplify our unique areas of expertise to offer the solar market the next generation of AR coating technology that’s designed to meet their needs.”
nFOG is Beneq’s innovative new atmospheric wet coating technology, which offers a unique combination of high speed, cost effectiveness and great flexibility in terms of the dimensions of the substrates it can be used with.
DSM’s unique KhepriCoat is the best-performing anti-reflective coating technology for solar cover glass on the market today. It maximizes light transmission by minimizing reflection, which can lead to an energy gain in solar module output in the range of 4 percent. KhepriCoat can be used in a wide range of solar applications, including c-Si, thin-film, concentrated photovoltaic modules and solar thermal collectors. KhepriCoat improves the cost-to-performance ratio, lowering both the cost/Watt-peak (Wp) and the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). KhepriCoat combines high durability with easy cleanability in the module production and installation process, as well as throughout the module lifetime.
“With this new joint offering, we look forward to taking our new nFOG technology to the market faster with the unique KhepriCoat AR coating material. Together with DSM, we can now approach customers with a highly superior, complete solution that offers both the material and the coating technology,” says Sampo Ahonen, CEO, Beneq.
Solar energy is widely recognized as an important alternative and renewable source of energy. By the end of 2014, global installed photovoltaic capacity will have reached 180 gigawatts (data from European Photovoltaic Industry Association EPIA). This can generate approximately 1 percent of the global demand for electricity, which is comparable to the capacity of 180 large-size nuclear power plants. Worldwide growth of the global photovoltaic market is predicted to be 10-20 percent annually (EPIA).

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