Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

BDF: furnace models

Smart approach to the market

Over the years the Melting R&D Division of BDF Industries has developed a precise way to approach the glass industry’s demands in terms of products, performance, reliability, safety and customer return of investments. This has led BDF to design different and consistent series of end-fired furnace models based on glass market needs.

By installing its furnaces all around the world, BDF knows every case has a different philosophy of conduction or OPEX costs, and thus can vary the preferable solution from customer to customer. For these reasons, the industrial approach brings BDF to develop different series of furnaces in order to enhance the production of high quality glass, high pull, or low wear of refractory materials and equipment. “ALPHA”, “DELTA” and “SIERRA” regenerative end-fired models give the opportunity to choose the best combination for all the hollow glass production needs. Therefore, the customer can recognize their needs in one of these melting philosophies and rely on a BDF product that has been studied, referenced and repeated several times. This model and standardization comes from years of experience and has been boosted by mathematical studies, CFD modelling and by focusing aspects through the Finite Element Method.

All the models are equipped with the state of the art technology, fully automatized and with a SCADA ready for Industry 4.0 upgrades. In the next days BDF Marketing will release a deeper focus on Furnace models through BDF Media.
The Container Glass furnaces in the World, ranging from 80TPD to 550TPD, are 1.163 (Glass Global 2017) categorized as follows:

  • 18 (1,5%) fully electric
  • 31 (2,6%) All Oxygen Melting AOM or oxyfuel
  • 59 (5%) recuperative furnaces
  • 196 (16,8%) regenerative cross-fired furnaces
  • 845 (72,7%) regenerative end-fired furnaces
  • 14 (1,2%) furnaces made with different technology than above


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