8 July 1999: Dutch semi-conductor equipment maker ASM Lithography NV (ASML) said it will lead an optical lithography development programme to extend imaging capabilities to 157 nanometres.
The progr…
8 July 1999: Dutch semi-conductor equipment maker ASM Lithography NV (ASML) said it will lead an optical lithography development programme to extend imaging capabilities to 157 nanometres. The programme“s goal is to deliver 157 nm production lithography systems by the year 2003 to leading-edge imaging capabilities development groups, the firm said in a statement. Besides ASML, the firm“s strategic optics partner Carl Zeiss, optic materials supplier Schott and laser suppliers Cymer and Lambda Physik will be involved in the development programme. The firm is still in talks with microelectronics research organization IMEC in Belgium, ASML added. “With the 157 nm light beam it is possible to print thinner circuit lines on computer chips. The 157 nm could be used instead of the currently used 193 nm in the future,” spokesman Jan Hoefnagels of ASML said. Financial details of the development programme were not released. ASML is the world“s second largest scanner and stepper maker. Philips Electronics holds a minority stake in ASML.