
AFGM 2018 in Indonesia

AFGM will take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This year’s AFGM conference – the 42nd edition – will take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with the theme ‘The Colourful World of Glass: Shaping the Future and Breakthroughs to Excellence’.

The 42nd edition of the annual Asean Glass Conference, hosted by the Indonesia Glass Manufacturers Association (IGMA), will take place 24-27 September 2018 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The theme of the conference will be ‘The Colourful World of Glass: Shaping the Future and Breakthroughs to Excellence’.
Harris Hendraka, Chairman of the Asean Glass Conference Organising Committee, said: “We are delighted and looking forward to hear about what you all would like to share about the technology advancement and its impact on our industry, efficiency, as well as our everyday lives.”
The annual industrial conference will put emphasis on the growth of technology, protection of the environment, maintenance of competitive edges, sustainable growth and maximizing efficiency and resources.
Participants will be given the chance to broaden networks, market brands and products, as well as socialise with stakeholders of the glass industry both in the ASEAN region and worldwide.
The Asean Glass Conference is open to glass companies, researchers and academies all over the world who would like to present their papers and research.
This year’s conference will include various social events, including the Annual AFGM Golf Tournament, Cultural Night Dinner, Dance Night Dinner, City Tour Programs and the AFGM Day Tour Program for all delegates and spouses.
Mr Hendraka said: “We are open to sponsorship for those events for all your reputable companies to get the right exposure and prestige in our annual conference.”

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