Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Wyndham Glass gets new laminating furnace

Wyndham Plastics and Glass has received a new Microglass Lamir Jet lamination furnace from The Glass Machinery Company, enabling the company to further improve services for customers with faster delivery times from its national fleet and more cost competitive pricing for existing and potential customers.

The Glass Machinery Company has recently completed the installation of a new Microglass Lamir Jet lamination furnace at Wyndham Plastics and Glass in Wales.
The company, which was launched over 20 years ago originally as Pen-ybont Glass, has an extensive fully automated facility that incorporates state-of-the-art-equipment and is recognized for its quality production standards. Since the installation of the Microglass system by The Glass Machinery Company the site now runs more efficiently, which has enabled the company to further improve services for customers with faster delivery times from its national fleet and more cost competitive pricing for existing and potential customers. The patented RWM technology ensures that the maximum power absorbed by the electrical system is always halved in relation to the power generally installed. Additionally, the insulation system is made of special panels comprised of a sandwich of calcium silicate and natural fiber, which guarantees minimum levels of thermal dispersion, keeping the energy yield of the machine very high and production costs lower.
EVA lamination furnaces are available in various sizes and, depending on production requirements, generally run on a cycle time of around one and a half hours. The top of the Lamir Jet can also be used during the manufacturing process as a workable area to prepare products for the next production run.

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