
WDMA releases 2017 National Policy Agenda

The Window & Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA) released today a comprehensive advocacy agenda for 2017, which outlines important policy priorities for the window, door, and skylight industry that will boost the housing and construction industry and support continued job creation in the vital U.S. manufacturing sector.

“Window, door and skylight manufacturers are vital to the residential housing sector and a robust economy.  Washington has the opportunity to advance pro-growth policies that will spur job creation and mitigate the effects of costly regulations that unnecessarily burden manufacturers,” said WDMA Chair Al Babiuk, CEO of Loewen Windows.  “This document will guide policymakers to support policies that promote energy efficiency, eliminate unnecessary regulations, and achieve smart tax policy that spurs economic growth for 2017 and beyond.”
The 2017 WDMA National Policy Agenda is divided into eight different policy areas:
•Energy Conservation;
•Building Codes;
•Environmental Stewardship;
•Building Safety;
•Housing & Economic Policy;
•Tax Policy;
•Product Supply and Trade; and
“WDMA is looking forward to working with Congress and the Trump Administration to promote fiscally-sound policies that will spur job creation, continue the housing recovery and improve the manufacturing climate in this country,” said WDMA President and CEO Michael O’Brien.
WDMA’s 2017 National Policy Agenda will be distributed to members of Congress and key Administration officials and will be used by WDMA members when they visit their members of Congress during the WDMA Spring Meeting and Legislative Conference on March 27-29 in Washington, D.C.
To view the policy, go to

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