Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Vitrosep Glass Particle Separator at Cuba Glass

Vitrosep will display its technology during the event to be held next month in Havana.

Vitrosep was founded on 1992 as a company dedicated to solve a problem common for all the industries involved in glass processing: the glass particles.
The particles generated in the grinding of glass produce loss of efficiency in the diamond tools, clogging of tools and machine downtime. Centrifugation and settling systems do not eliminate them completely. These technologies use flocculants and require big maintenance. Vitrosep makes glass particle separators based on filtration providing water with such a quality it can be used in the spindles of the CNC machines. Operation is fully automatic and running costs, very small. The system keeps the particles in suspension. This characteristic together with an appropriate design of the collection and distribution of the water, in which Vitrosep can help, makes not necessary cleaning and manual removal of glass fines in the grinding machines.
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