Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

US: non-residential construction spending down in January

Total non-residential construction spending in the US decreased 0.8% in January to USD 566.4 billion, with total construction spending – which includes both non-residential and residential – slipping 0.1% for the month.

Total non-residential construction spending in the US decreased 0.8% in January to USD 566.4 billion, according to a recent report by the US Commerce Department.
Private non-residential construction spending was down 1.5% for the month, but was 16.6% higher than one year ago. Public non-residential construction spending saw a 0.1% decrease for January, but was up 0.4% from the same time last year.
Construction sub-sectors with the largest monthly decreases in spending included manufacturing, 6.3%; lodging, 3.9%; and religious-related construction, 3.5%. Sub-sectors with the largest year-over-year decreases in spending included religious, 23.1%; conservation and development, 17.8%; and transportation-related construction, 6.5%.
Five of the 16 non-residential construction sub-sectors posted spending increases for the month, including water supply, 9.7%; amusement and recreation, 2.1%; transportation, 1%; health care, 0.9%; and public safety, 0.3%. Eleven of the 16 sub-sectors posted increases in year-over-year spending, including manufacturing, 38.3%; power, 24.4%; and health care, 9.7%.
Residential construction spending increased 1.6% in January and was 5.4% higher than the same time last year.
Overall, total construction spending – which includes both non-residential and residential – slipped 0.1% for the month, but was up 7.1% compared to January 2011.

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