Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Stevanato Group lays foundations in China

Multinational Stevanato Group, leader in pharmaceutical packaging, has started work on it new production plant in Zhangjiagang, China. The plant is expected to start production by the end of 2013, and will offer the highest standards and innovative technology.

19 November 2012 saw the start of work for a new production plant in Zhangjiagang, China for pharmaceutical packaging leader Stevanato Group, based in Piombino Dese, Padua (Italy). The multinational company, which expects to end 2012 with 1,500 employees and an export share of 90%, currently has clients in 150 countries throughout the world and has excellent business relations with the Chinese market. The opening of the new facility strongly emphasizes the Far East area, with particular attention to China, a booming market in the pharmaceutical sector.
The groundbreaking ceremony took place in the presence of local Chinese authorities, the Italian consul, the ICE (Institute of Foreign Commerce), and Sergio Stevanato, President of Stevanato Group, who states: “We are sure that our decision can contribute to the development of this region, thanks to our supply of technical and technological skills in working with tubular glass containers for the pharmaceutical industry, in which we are among the recognized world leaders, and in terms of employment growth in the coming years.”
The project sees the investment of EUR 40 million and the plant, which is to be constructed on a plot of 30,000 square meters in Zhangjiagang, in Jiangsu Province (Shanghai area), a known centre for economic and technological development, is expected to see the start of production by the end of 2013. The new facility will offer the highest standards and innovative technology designed to meet the needs of all local and multinational pharmaceutical companies looking to supply the Chinese and Asian markets; it will be staffed by 240 qualified personnel, who will receive training at the Group’s other facilities.
To mark the occasion, Chinese versions of the Group’s websites have been uploaded: www.stevanatogroup.com/cn and www.optrelinspection.com/cn.

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