
Schirmbeck and Reiling set up joint recycling plant for glass

In order to meet the ever-growing challenges of the European glass industry, the two long-established companies Schirmbeck and Reiling founded a joint company last year, the Czech SR Glass Recycling s.r.o. The company already owns a site in the Chomutov region, where a new glass recycling plant is being built. Both companies hold an equal 50 percent stake in the company.

Managing Director Stefan Schirmbeck is delighted that both companies are taking this step together and will set a new standard in the Czech Republic with state-of-the-art technology. The project will help to reduce long transport routes and therefore costs and CO2 in the future, as both companies already collect glass in the neighbouring country. Until now, this glass has been imported to Germany and processed in their glass recycling plants before being exported back to the Czech Republic. These routes can therefore be avoided in the future.

The joint project has great potential, explains Managing Director Marc Uphoff. Important glassworks from the hollow glass, flat glass, glass wool and foam glass sectors, all of which use recyclate in their production, are located a short distance from the site. The glassworks very much welcome the fact that they will be supplied with high-quality recyclate from their region in future.

The family companies Schirmbeck and Reiling are unanimous in their assessment of the Eastern European and Czech markets as very positive and can participate in the growth with the new plant. A new melting furnace for hollow glass has just been put into operation in Kyjov.

In addition to the good sales structure, the connection to the urban centres for the acceptance of hollow glass from municipal collections and to the industry for the procurement of hollow and flat glass was also decisive for the choice of location.

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