Since over 30 years of developments in the hollow glass industry, performing vertical solutions for different kind of containers production, Revimac has always been one of the main landmarks as manufacturer of hot-end Ware Handling Equipment, in addition to Re-Manufactured IS Machines and Glass Conditioning Forehearths.
Long global experience with installation worldwide, both in international Groups and Independent Glass Plants, made it was clear that the policy of the biggest market players was becoming more and more keen towards large scale containers production against a lighter glass weight, soul of the High Performance line concept.
Up to now, supporting customers on that principle, Revimac has successfully developed and installed the Lehr Loaders (Stackers) RSS 950 and RSS 100, where the last one is capable to handle containers at the speed of 22 cycles per minutes and where both are equipped with the Self Learning function, based on A.I. technology (more details at
In order to close the High Performance containers process, Revimac has finally designed and developed the new XHS 700 High Performance Ware Transfer, capable of transferring articles from primary conveyor to cross conveyor up to a speed of 950 bottles per minute, depending on the container size.
The new design is based on a double belt conveyor drive with a short auxiliary belt, that enables to keep the bottles in firm and steady contact with the fingers during their transfer.
The standard configuration comes with one drive for both belts and it is designed to have a 1:2 speed reduction ratio between the primary and secondary belt. As an option, or at customer’s request, it can be installed with one drive for the primary belt and one drive for the secondary one. In this case, there is the possibility to set and adjust a different and independent speed on both belts. In any configuration, standard or customized, the containers benefit a perfect stability during the transfer phase.
Moreover, the conveyor drive integrates a fixed cross-conveyor connection to guarantee a very steady article transfer, that is also supported by the perfect alignment between the belts, and the cross-conveyor is connected with a hinged terminal to compensate small height variations.
This new design is studied with a larger radius and a suitable chain guide along the transfer profile, where the fingers have no movable parts being directly supported by the belt in a position that is very close to the contact point of the container. The combination of all these features, added to the perfect alignment between primary conveyor and cross-conveyor belts, enable the containers to reach the maximum transfer stability between the two conveyors.
The system is designed to eliminate completely vibrations on the pockets, thanks to the large guides and the automatic chain tensioner. For easy alignment operations, the XHS 700 ware transfer is designed with an adjustable lower ware guide on the conveyor and cross-conveyor connection.
The adjustable transfer plate and the easy change system of the cross-conveyor roller, make operation and maintenance easier for the operators.
It is worth mentioning that integration of the double belt conveyor drive is going to be available for the other Revimac Ware Transfer models as well.
Finally, with the addition of the new XHS 700, Revimac has completed the full set of High Performance Ware Handling Equipment where ware transfer, stacker and cross conveyor are able to handle massive production of glass containers with the highest reliability, improving the hot-end efficiency w.r.t. pack-to-melt.
Specially conceived for double, triple and quad gob production, the Revimac High Performance Ware Handling Ensemble is the answer to a continuously growing and changing market, giving flexibility to handle the widest range of glass containers.