Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

OGT Solar enters the Italian PV market

OGT Solar enters the solar market as a new division of Olivotto Glass Technologies

OGT Solar has entered the Italian photovoltaic market. The company has a wide range of products from modules to crystalline silicon cells to transparent solutions. It also capitalises on its expertise in innovative technologies from thin film to amorphous silicon heterojunction.

More specifically, OGT Solar offers such Building Integrated Photovoltaic (Bipv) solutions as curtain walls or ventilated façades within a wide range of colours, which include skylights, canopies and windbreaks as well as, importantly, the company’s transparent coloured parapets.

OGT Solar is part of the global platform of the China National Building Material (CNBM) group – the largest building materials group in the world with assets at USD 92 billion and over 200,000 employees. As such the company can count on a network of various Asian production sites that have an output exceeding 3 GW per annum. Here OGT Solar enters the solar market as a new division of Olivotto Glass Technologies S.p.A., which boasts a history of over 70 years of lines and machinery production for the hot forming of glass.

“The entry of OGT Solary into photovoltaics is the natural evolution of an industrial know-how built over time,” explained President and CEO Sergio Sarvia. “We come as a partner, providing a competent, reliable response to emerging challenges in the photovoltaic world so as to make access to renewable energy more immediate.”

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