Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

NSG Pilkington – North America at Auto Glass Week 2024

Auto Glass Week, held September 19 to 21, 2024, in Orlando, Florida, is a premier trade show dedicated to the automotive glass industry, featuring the latest products, technologies, and trends. The Pilkington North America booth will be staffed by knowledgeable automotive business team members ready to discuss its products and services.

CarCal™ stand

The company will showcase the new Pilkington Opti-Aim™ calibration package that includes the CarCal™ stand. This stand is designed specifically for automotive professionals who face challenging conditions and need to adapt to various environments.

Attendees will have the chance to explore the latest industry advancements, connect with peers, and gain valuable insights into the automotive glass replacement after-market. Pilkington North America looks forward to sharing highlights and developments with you next week.

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