Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

NorthGlass issues 2022 semi-annual report

The performance of glass deep processing equipment was outstanding, net profits of NorthGlass in the first half of the year increased 109.04 percent year on year

NorthGlass has issued its 2022 semi-annual report:

  • the operating income of NorthGlass in the first half of this year was CNY 729 million, increasing 3.91 percent year on year;
  • net profits attributable to shareholders of listed company was CNY 23.7462 million, increasing 109.04 percent year on year;
  • net profits attributable to shareholders of listed company excluding non-recurring gains and losses was CNY 17.482 million, increasing 128.09 percent year on year.

Song Qinghui, an economist and founder of Qinghui Think Tank, said, “NorthGlass is the only domestic A-share listed company that produces tempered glass equipment. Relying on technological innovation, the production and sales of glass deep processing equipment rank in the forefront of the industry, high-end glass products decorate the world landmarks, and net profits doubling in the first half of the year are in line with market expectations.

“In general, the performance of NorthGlass in the first half of the year is bright, and profits maintain a high growth rate, the global layout is worth waiting in hope.”

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