Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Marposs organizes an open house in China for VisiQuick

Marposs organized in cooperation with Ninesun an open house at Shandong Huapeng Glass facility in Rongcheng.

Marposs a worldwide leader in precision equipment for measurement and control in the production environment organized, in cooperation with Ninesun, organized an open house at Shandong Huapeng Glass facility in Rongcheng, where a VisiQuick machine was installed one year ago. Ninesun is an agent representing several well-known manufacturers of equipment for the glass containers industry.

The event was attended by the most important Chinese glass containers manufacturers and by representatives of China Glass Packaging Federation.

The highlight of the presentation was VisiQuickâ„¢ a totally flexible machine, suitable for accurate dimensional and geometric inspection, on a sample basis, of a large variety of glass containers having different size, shape and colour and can be installed in the laboratory or close to the manufacturing line, at the cold end.

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