
LiSAIR Express Delivery: fast as the wind

Express delivery of spare parts by helicopter

Delivery: Fast as the wind
With the LiSAIR Express Delivery Service, customers can receive spare parts faster and more easily than ever before, and with no potential transport problems. Traffic jams and roadworks literally vanish into thin air, because LiSEC‘s helicopter brings you the spare parts or wear parts as fast as the wind.

This means that shutdowns can be rectified within the shortest possible time. From the time an express delivery order is received, it takes only about 3.5 hours for a distance of 240 km, for example, until the delivery arrives at the nearest possible landing site. And not only that: If necessary, the installation technician will also be on board.

Time is money
Downtimes can cost up to several thousand euros per hour depending on system interlinking and automation. Every minute counts. With LiSAIR Express Delivery, the required spare parts are delivered in the shortest possible time.

In which regions is LiSAIR Express Delivery possible?
The delivery radius is as follows:
How fast is LiSAIR Express Delivery?
LiSAIR Express Delivery guarantees a quick delivery of the required spare parts:

  • Green circle (240 km radius): Reachable in max. 3 hours 30 min.
  • Yellow circle (480 km radius): Reachable in max. 5 hours 00 min.
  • Orange circle (720 km radius): Reachable in max. 7 hours (requires a refuelling stop)
  • Red circle (960 km radius): Reachable in ca. 9 hours 00 min. (requires a refuelling stop)

What does LiSAIR Express Delivery cost?
The delivery costs 15 EUR/km excluding VAT. The total kilometres comprise the outward leg and return leg of the flight.

The price is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Landing fees at major airports are not included (London, Paris, Schiphol, Frankfurt, Munich, Vienna, Zurich, Milan, Brussels, Berlin). Here, the costs must be determined at short notice as required. Ideally, smaller airports or airfields should be used, as handling is much easier there.
  • The price includes a 3-hour turnaround time per flight (time between landing and take-off for the return flight). From the 4th hour, 30.00 EUR net per hour.
  • Distances and prices apply from Schoder Helicopter GmbH, Riesing 1, 3361 Aschbach Markt.
  • The departure point is always Riesing 1, 3361 Aschbach Markt (distance as the crow flies from the LiSEC production site in Seitenstetten 8 km).
  • Reaction time before departure in Aschbach Markt is ca. 30-45 minutes from order confirmation.

What payloads are possible with LiSAIR Express Delivery?
What are the prerequisites for delivery via the LiSAIR Express Delivery service?

Delivery of the required spare parts is only possible under the following conditions:

  • The destination is within the radius marked above (max. 960 km distance)
  • The weather conditions permit flight (also applies to the return leg)
  • LiSEC has received a written booking confirmation of LiSAIR Express Delivery from the customer.

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