23 July 1998: The employees of Ivima, a Portuguese glass company in Marinha Grande, have rejected Atlantis“ bid for the company.
A condition of the bid is that Atlantis does not have to pay the wag…
23 July 1998: The employees of Ivima, a Portuguese glass company in Marinha Grande, have rejected Atlantis“ bid for the company. A condition of the bid is that Atlantis does not have to pay the wages owed by Ivima. The employees rejected this at a recent meeting. A total of Esc 250 million is owed. They also rejected plans to cut 80 jobs. A recent press report says that if Atlantis buys Ivima, it plans to cut the workforce by a further 50 people. The unions are prepared to negotiate this with the new owner and demand that their rights are respected. If Atlantis does not revise the conditions on its offer, the workers will take industrial action in protest.