Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

ICG Steering Committee meeting

The recent Steering Committee meeting of the ICG was held in Kolkata, India, focussing on enhancing communications within the Asia-Pacific glass industry and promoting the development of the international glass industry.

On 2-3 December 2013, Peng Shou, President of ICG, attended the Asia-Pacific Meeting of Glass and Allied Industries and the ICG Steering Committee Meeting in Kolkata, India. This meeting was co-sponsored by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), the All Indian Glass Manufacturer’s Federation (AIGMF) the Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS) and the ICG.
President Peng Shou gave a welcome speech at the opening ceremony expressing his warm congratulations on the convening of the meeting. He also sincerely thanked the organizing committee for their hard work and all participants for their strong support for the work of ICG. He hoped that this meeting would be an opportunity to enhance communications within the Asia-Pacific glass industry and promote the development of the international glass industry.
During his trip, President Peng Shou held talks with representatives of the Indian glass industry and academics including Dr. Kamal Dasgupta, Acting Director of CSIR-CGCRI, Mr. C.K.Somany, President of the India HNG Company and the former President of AIGMF, Mr. Mukul Somany, the Vice President and General Manager of the India HNG Company, and others. President Peng Shou rated highly the development of the Indian glass industry over recent years, and affirmed positively the achievements and contributions made by their scientists and researchers. He hoped that all Indian glass science researchers and enterprises could further strengthen their communications and cooperation with ICG, jointly pushing forward the sustained and healthy development of the international glass industry.
During the ICG Steering Committee, a new Vice-Chair for CTC, namely Prof Kathleen Richardson, USA was appointed. Also Hangzhou Daming Technology Holding Co., Ltd, China, Shahe Security Industry Co., Ltd, China, Henan Zhongyuan Special Refractories Co., Ltd. China, Zhengzhou Huitte Refractories Co., Ltd, China were approved as Associated Member Companies.

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