Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

H.C. Starck Executive Board appoints new member

H.C. Starck has appointed Edmar Allitsch as a new member of its Executive Board. He will lead the company’s Tungsten, Surface Technology as well as Ceramic Powders business.

Edmar Allitsch joined the Executive Board of H.C. Starck on 1 December 2013. In his function, he will lead the company’s Tungsten, Surface Technology as well as Ceramic Powders business.
After studying metallurgy and economics at the Montan University of Leoben (Austria), Edmar Allitsch started his career in 1988 with Radex Austria AG. In 1998, he was appointed to the Board of the North American Refractories Co. in Cleveland (US), a subsidiary of RHI AG. In 2002, Edmar Allitsch moved to Winterthur Technologie AG, where he became CEO in 2008.
The H.C. Starck Group is a leading global supplier of technology metals and advanced ceramics, and serves growing industries such as the electronics, chemicals, automotive, medical technology, aerospace, energy technology, and environmental technology industries, as well as engineering companies and tool manufacturers, from its own manufacturing facilities located in Europe, America, and Asia. In 2012, the company employed approximately 3,000 employees in the US, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, China, Japan, and Thailand.

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