Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GOMD: abstract deadline extended

GOMD 2012, to take place 20-24 May in St. Louis, has extended its deadline to receive abstracts, which has now been set for 14 December.

The organizers of GOMD 2012 have extended the deadline for abstracts by two weeks, and invite speakers to send their material by 14 December. Hosted 20-24 May in St. Louis, the Glass & Optical Materials Division meeting covers advances in the physical properties, technological processes and other issues important to glasses, amorphous solids and optical materials.
GOMD 2012 is designed for materials professionals involved in the scientific research & development, application and manufacturing of all glass types, including optical materials, sol-gel derived materials, fiber optics, encapsulation of nuclear/hazardous waste, bioglass, super high-strength glasses, and countless others.
Abstracts must deal with Glass Science, Optical Materials & Devices, Cross-cutting Topics or Festschrift to the Glass Research Career of Prof. Delbert E. Day. GOMD 2012 also includes a poster session and a student poster contest. Sessions headed by technical leaders from industry, government laboratories, and academia will cover the latest advances in glass science and technology, as well as a focused examination of the amorphous state.

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