
GMIC office is moving to Toledo

The Glass Manufacturing Industry Council (GMIC) is on the move to a new office in Toledo, Ohio, USA. The new business address is:

3950 Sunforest Ct
Suite 200, Office 209
Toledo OH, 43623

After many years of being co-located with the American Ceramic Society in Columbus, OH, the office was sublet, and the GMIC used the opportunity to rethink its footprint. After a thorough search in both Columbus and Toledo, the decision was for a shared office location in the Glass City.

In this new year and new location, the GMIC looks forward to advancing the glass industry and supporting the work of its members.

GMIC is a non-profit trade association focused on representing the interests of the glass manufacturing industry. Bridging all segments of glass manufacturing, GMIC does for our members what would be challenging for them to do alone.

The Glass Problems Conference is organized by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and Alfred University and endorsed by the American Ceramic Society.

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