As of 1 January 2021, the Emerging Technologies operations have been re-organized and are part of the regional sales structure. As of the same date Glaston Corporation’s business areas are Glaston Heat Treatment Technologies, Glaston Insulating Glass Technologies and Glaston Automotive & Display Technologies.
The company’s reporting segments consist of each business area together with its respective service business. Depending on the technology focus in question, the Emerging Technologies projects are reported in Heat Treatment Technologies, Insulating Glass Technologies or Automotive & Display Technologies.
As a result of this change, single projects from 2020 as well as a small amount of fixed costs earlier reported in Automotive & Emerging Technologies segment are transferred to the Heat Treatment segment. The effect on order book, net sales and EBIT reported for the segments in 2020 is therefore minor.
Unaudited comparable 2020 quarterly and full year financial information for the new reporting segments and product areas is available here.