
Glassman Europe call for papers

The conference theme will be ‘Energy efficiency and environmental solutions in the glass industry.’

The organiser of the Glassman Europe conference in Lyon next year has announced a call for papers.
The Glassman conference theme will be ‘Energy efficiency and environmental solutions in the glass industry.’
Dedicated sessions will discuss how the glass production process is becoming more environmentally aware and how manufacturers are implementing new processes in order to reduce costs and comply with changing legislation.
With international speakers from across the industry invited to present, this conference will address the major issues faced when achieving sustainable primary glass manufacturing.
Glassman is currently inviting speakers from the industry to present papers on the topic of sustainability awareness and innovation.
Glassman Europe will take place on May 6 and 7, 2015 at the Cité Centre de Congrès de Lyon exhibition hall. The event was last held in Lyon in 2009 and proved to be hugely popular with exhibitors and visitors alike.
France remains one of Europe’s most important glass manufacturing regions with Glass Container Production at 3,030,949 tonnes in 2013 (Source FEVE). Leading glassmakers including Saint-Gobain, SGD and Arc International are French while glass manufacturers including Owen-Illinois (O-I) and Stoelzle also have manufacturing bases there. Several of the most important suppliers to the glass industry are based in the Lyon area.

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