
Glass Futures leads UK-India Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Project

A meeting of minds and will to address the sustainability challenges faced within the entire end-to-end processes of glass manufacturing

Glass Futures, through collaborative engagements with respective and relevant stakeholders within the glass industry and its supply chain and its UKRI government funded UK-India Lab-to-Lab Collaborative Project, have captured some high-level, broad-based sustainability challenges that the glass industry faces across the entire end-to-end process.

In the pursuit to meet these challenges, Glass Futures are holding a series of workshops, inviting all UK Academia/R&D organisations, SMEs, OEMs, as well as India’s R&D/Academia/Trade organisations, SMEs, OEMs and policy influencers/key decision makers across the glass sector in India. Glass Futures will bring them together to engage, discuss and map out with the Indian glass industry and its supply chain on short, medium and long-term areas of potential collaboration, and follow-on project proposals.

  • Date: 25th March 2022
  • Duration: 14:30 pm – 16:00 pm IST (9:00 am -10:30 am GMT)
  • To register click here.

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