Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

First solar generation project in Vitro

The first Solar Generation project in Vitro was successfully launched, located on the roof of Coater 8 in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

It is a system of 1,135 solar panels of 550 W each, whose total installed generation capacity is 629 kW, which will allow the generation of 1,091,700 kWh/year of renewable energy that will be consumed within the same plant. This project will mitigate the emission of 478 tons of CO2 annually, equivalent to planting 39,800 trees to reduce the same impact.

This system has a lifespan of approximately 25 years, which reinforces Vitro’s commitment to the environment and the search for sustainable and more efficient solutions in its energy consumption.

Currently, two other renewable solar generation projects are being managed for the same capacity as the one in Mexicali, at the CLT Laminate and CLT Templado plants in the city of  Mexico, which are awaiting authorization by CFE (electricity distribution company) so that they can later be put into operation.



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