Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Emballage 2012: 40th show overview

Emballage is taking place right now at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, covering the entire range of demands of the packaging sector, along with machinery and services. Emballage 2012 has 1,300 exhibitors and 500 brands, more than 470 new exhibitors, 90,000 visitors and 100 countries represented.

The 40th Emballage exhibition is taking place 19-22 November 2012 at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, in conjunction with the Manutention show. All the demands in the packaging chain are covered, from raw materials to finished product, not forgetting the related machinery and services.
According to Véronique Sestrières, Exhibition Director, “the key thread running through the 40th Emballage exhibition is Pack Smart! Innovations & Solutions, Everything you Need to Know in highlighting all the intelligence present in the sector overall. In spite of multiple and converging demands, arising either from user market diversity, complex regulations or economic climate, the packaging industry has demonstrated exceptional capability to innovate.”
Emballage 2012 has 1,300 exhibitors and 500 brands, 55% of whom display an international offering; more than 470 new exhibitors, 65% of whom are international; 90,000 visitors; 100 countries represented, exhibitors and visitors combined.
Global packaging production, estimated to be worth USD 670 billion in 2010, is anticipated to reach USD 820 billion in 2016 according to the latest market research by Pira International. This growth is essentially driven by urbanization, investment in construction, the development of the health sector, and the rise of emerging and transitional economies such as China, India, Brazil and certain Eastern European countries. Their greater purchasing power is set to generate increased demand in household equipment together with consumables and packaging.
China’s packaging market, estimated to be worth USD 80 billion in 2010, is forecasted to rise to USD 137 billion in 2017 and so to overtake the US as the world’s top market. India’s market, having doubled in the last nine years, is reported to have entered the Top 10 markets worldwide and is likely to double again in the next five years, capping USD 24 billion.
After posting some 10% growth in 2010, the French packaging industry exceeds EUR 19 billion turnover once again (i.e. 10.2% growth versus 2010). This growth is partly due to price increases.
Despite subdued demand, price pressure and suffering exports, the French market is still attractive. Know-how, innovation and eco-design are its very foundations as far as manufacturers, equipment makers and their customers, the packers, are concerned. Lastly, ICD Research reports that the French packaging machinery industry, whose 2010 turnover stands at USD 1,093 billion, will record average annual growth of 4.9% by 2015.
A multi-sector exhibition with the offering to go with it, Emballage has strengthened its “exhibition within the exhibition” strategy. Strengthened online and offline sectoral communication prior to the exhibition, targeting the major business user communities in addition to specific visiting tools, dedicated conferences and appropriate signs in the halls (B&L, Food, Luxury, Beauty, Health and Multi-industry) mean that the forthcoming show has a customized offering for each industry.

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