Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Diamon-Fusion International, Inc. (DFI): independent adhesion tests on coatings exceed expectations

Results show a 32% increase in adhesion for shower/tub slider hanger brackets on glass treated with DFI products; test validates long-held understanding of DFI coating benefits vs. untreated glass.

Diamon-Fusion International, Inc. (DFI), global developer and exclusive licensor of patented hydrophobic nanotechnologies, has announced independent test results confirm, glass treated with DFI products experienced increased adhesion of slider hanger brackets. The test results show improvement of up to 32% vs. untreated glass. These independent results prove a long-held DFI understanding that DFI treated surfaces actually create a stronger bond with silicon, than untreated surfaces and are among the best quality in the marketplace, providing value-added features to glass manufacturers beyond the low maintenance Hanger Test and scratch/impact resistance benefits. In the tests, a single shower/tub slider hanger was glued on to samples treated with DFI coatings, as well as an untreated piece for a control. While the untreated hanger required 176 pounds to pull the hanger off the glass, DFI’s most efficient and cost-effective coating method required 230 pounds or 32% more than the untreated surface and much greater than any manufacturer would approve. For manufacturers and installers who experience adhesion issues with hanger brackets, the independent labs results show drastically improved weight loads for hanger brackets when mounted on glass treated with a DFI coating.
DFI offers a wide-range of coatings and application methods providing the most industrial flexibility in the coatings marketplace. From hand-applied, to the most cost-effective chemical vapour chamber method, which treats both sides of the surface with virtually no labour, no other company can offer the range of application methods. In addition, DFI products have no cure time, so manufacturers do not experience the bottlenecks of slow cure times of other coatings in the marketplace.

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