Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

DFI restructures as global growth accelerates

Officials from Diamon-Fusion International have announced a restructuring of the organization to provide even stronger levels of support to customers.

The major change sees the creation of dedicated teams for both account management and business development, allowing a more strategic focus on the specific needs of each. The restructure comes as DFI’s global growth accelerates in the architectural glass and automotive industries. This new structure will ensure DFI maintains the leadership position within these industries and beyond, according to company officials.

The restructured DFI will continue to be led by Adam Zax as CEO. Russ Slaybaugh has been elevated to COO and will have day-to-day responsibility for executing this customer-focused strategy throughout the organization. Guillermo Seta, as senior vice president of global business development, will focus his talents on further showcasing how DFI’s industrial flexibility and other benefits can create added-value and growth for prospective customers and strategic partners. As vice president of global operations and customer satisfaction, Todd Gentry’s operations role will expand to all DFI operations worldwide, and he will play a key role in ensuring DFI delivers support to the company’s existing customers that is deeper than any other supplier from whom they purchase.

Backed by industry-leading marketing and operations groups, the new DFI organization offers over 85 years of combined experience in marketing low-maintenance coatings, and will help DFI customers drive sales and will also drive sales to those customers.

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