11 February 1999: In an attempt to become more competitive, Danone glass packaging subsidiary BSN Emballage is to specialize production at its various sites based on the use to which its glass product…
11 February 1999: In an attempt to become more competitive, Danone glass packaging subsidiary BSN Emballage is to specialize production at its various sites based on the use to which its glass products are put (wine, beer, spirits) and shed 700 posts over five years, without redundancies, out of a total workforce of about 3,300. According to the BSN 2003 plan, currently being prepared, the group is planning to invest FFr 300 million (EUR 45.73 million) in constructing a new factory in the Languedoc region, which will create about 100 jobs. It thereby hopes to meet the increasing demand for glass products for the wine sector. BSN Emballage is to devote a total FFr 1.6 billion over five years to industrial investments.