A new US Building Information Modeling (BIM), released by the Building Smart Alliance (BSA), will also be used by other countries including the UK, Ireland, Canada, Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
A consensus-based standard governing Building Information Modeling (BIM) for use in the US will be passed along to numerous other countries including the UK, Ireland, Canada, Korea, Australia and New Zealand to share information to allow for cost-effective building.
According to the executive director of Building Smart Alliance (BSA) and staff member of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Dana “Deke” Smith, the standard was the obvious next step in the process for BIM.
“It’s to really get what we were expecting out of BIM by being able to share information, and, of course, that can be done with computers and with a standard than what the software vendors can write to that standard and information in that flow,” he says.
The Alliance released the National BIM Standard-United State Version 2 in May 2012 during the 2012 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Conference and Expo in Washington, D.C.
The newly released NBIMS-US V2 follows an open consensus process set by rules of governance established by the NIBS. During the development process, ballots could be submitted to the standard, and all members of the NBIMS-US Project Committee (which is open to any member of the NIBS in good standing), were invited to provide comments and vote on ballots.
The BIM US standards were separated into the approved ballots of three main categories: reference standards, information exchange standards (which are built upon the reference standards) and best practice guidelines that support users in their implementation of open BIM standards-based deliverables.
Smith added that each nation planning to adopt the BIM standard will add more content as needed and then share updates with the US.