
BDF “MultiDrive” Servo Gob Distributor

Final glass container quality depends on a good gob delivery entry Precision Equipment Selection and High Quality Accessories can greatly improve results

BDF equipment is built to meet the requirements of main glass container producers and the high quality equipment contributes to the entire production line performance. BDF team offers technical service and support to choose the most appropriate equipment to satisfy specific customer requirements with customized solutions.

The company’s multidrive gob distributors deliver the gob into the machine in the fastest and most uniform method, to grant a high thermal homogeneity and high quality to the for final glass container products.

BDF SGD MultiDrive Servo Gob Distributor performs motion control with independent brushless motor for each scoop with direct individual rack & pinion drive transmission. This can guarantee a great improvement of gobs delivery on high production machines with multi-gobs delivery equipment; high rigidity and low inertia for high performances and very low vibrations at high speed.

Technical features

  • Interchangeable with the previous version
  • Motion control with independent electronic cams per gob
  • Emergency with stand-by position out of the glass flow
  • Controlled by electronic integrated or stand-alone system
  • Interface with any type of machine
  • Programming of the data by operator’s computer or hand-terminal
  • Easy and efficient trouble diagnostic
  • Local control panel with start, stop, manual MODE, jog, emergency, hand terminal connector

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