
Ardagh: zero waste to landfill

Ardagh's glass production facility in Barnsley, UK, embarked on an initiative to prevent landfill disposal for its waste

In 2018, Ardagh‘s glass production facility in Barnsley, UK, embarked on an initiative to prevent landfill disposal for its waste by identifying recycling and reuse opportunities, and alternative waste outlets.

The Barnsley team identified six key waste streams and worked with local waste collection companies to introduce appropriate bins to recycle waste.All waste, from batch to oily sand, is now collected and recycled or reused as Refuse-Derived Fuel.

The team also encouraged suppliers to take back packaging and reuse it.

The initiative recycled 1,741 tonnes of waste in 2018 – 200 tonnes more than in 2017, preventing 100 percent of waste, compared to 85 percent in 2017.

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