Filtraglass signs CPPA with SCHOTT

Starting immediately, will supply around 14.5 gigawatt-hours per year to the technology group SCHOTT via a corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) from a solar park in Schleswig Holstein, Germany.

The world’s leading specialty glass-maker will use the green electricity at its headquarters in Mainz, as well as plants in Grünenplan, Mitterteich and Landshut. The CPPA covers around five percent of the company’s annual electricity needs in Germany. The contract was initially concluded for a term of two years.

As per the delivery agreement, the company receives green electricity directly from the solar park, along with “as produced” guarantees of origin from The quality is further certified by EKOenergy.

SCHOTT faces the challenge of achieving climate-neutral, energy-intensive production. SCHOTT aims to meet this goal by 2030 and is pursuing much more ambitious goals than its international competitors. A key step is transitioning production from gas to electricity sourced from renewables such as photovoltaics.

To power a single melting tank with electricity, the company requires energy equivalent to the annual consumption of up to 10,000 single-family homes. “We are pleased that, together with, we are getting a lot closer to our decarbonization goal,” said Thomas Hahn, Global Category Manager Energy at SCHOTT.

Like it has with many industrial companies already, is helping SCHOTT in achieving its ambitious climate targets. With its extensive portfolio, the green energy specialist tailored a contract by strategically selecting suitable plants.

“This CPPA shows that renewables are capable of reliably supplying industrial companies,” said Ralf Höper, Managing Director of

The company currently manages several thousand megawatts of power through its virtual power plant.

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