The organizers of GDP 2019 in June 2019 have now published the record number of 180 abstracts received on-line. The abstracts can be accessed immediately here, and searched by company, speaker or proposed session.
The number of presentations is an all-time high for this leading glass industry top meeting. In combination with the workshop offering this brings the total number of expert presentations to some 230 during the duration of the June 25-28 Conference.
The Final Program of the Conference including scheduling times is nearing completion and will be distributed in a very near future.
Early disclosure enhances planning
The information about the Conference speakers and their abstracts has been made available early on to enhance participant preparations.
“Making the information public this early, well before the Conference, enables participants to plan their attendance and set their priorities.” says Jorma Vitkala, Chairman of the GPD Organizing Committee. “The specifics for dates and times will be released shortly and so will the selection of the 20 workshops that are part of the GPD 2019. We owe special thanks to all who have submitted abstracts the technical level of which we consider to be very high. Participants are well advised to make arrangements for travel and accommodation soon to secure quality bookings.”
The flexible format of the Conference allows the arrangement of seven daily parallel sessions. The venue is the same for all, Pirkka Halli – Exhibition Center, Tampere, Finland, and the audio-technology employed will separate the different events effectively.
All session are within easy reach and organized around the exhibition module at the center of the arena.
For additional information, contact:
Jorma Vitkala, GPD Chairman
Mobile: +358 40 553 2042
E-mail: jorma.vitkala@gpd
web site: