Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Aldora expands Charleston premises with new machinery

Aldora Aluminum and Glass Products is upgrading equipment at its Charleston, South Carolina, location.

In preparation for the increased demand of fabricated glass products and given the age of the company’s existing equipment, Aldora has ordered new equipment that will increase production speed and quality of product, company officials report.

Additions are a true convection furnace that can temper 84 inch by 196 inch lites of glass, with thicknesses ranging from 1/8-inch to ¾-inch including low-emissivity soft coats. The convection component will help to minimize distortion in coated glass. Installation for the furnace is slated for late third/early fourth quarter 2015.

A CNC waterjet will increase and improve the fabrication throughput of notches and holes primarily for shower enclosures. It is scheduled for installation during third quarter 2015.

A jumbo cutting table, to be installed later in the year, will increase the dimensions of raw glass that the branch can process which produces greater yields. “The jumbo cutting table is a huge bonus as it will add to our production capacity,” said Sean Ryan, branch manager.

“These three key pieces of equipment will dramatically improve our ability to better serve our customers,” he said.

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