The congress will be held in Italy at the Parma University Campus, Centro Santa Elisabetta, will be held on October 20 and 21, 2016.
The event is meant as a technical focus on innovation in the glass sector. The meeting is split into two sessions, one on hollow and one on flat glass, and will have the following main themes:
•Energy efficiency in glass furnaces and production optimization
•Glass in architecture among structural engineering legislation, energy and acoustic performance, and environmental sustainability – Innovation in production processes for building materials.
The introductory day of October 20 is devoted to two workshops, during which the attendees will have the opportunity to follow practical examples both on glass defects (analysis of bubbles, stones, inclusions, cords, knots, fractures) and on its mechanical properties.
The session on flat glass will bring out practical examples on glass design in architecture, both as a construction material and as an Energy and Acoustic-efficient material with high environmental sustainability.
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