UK pubs, clubs, hotels, restaurants and cafes throw away 600,000 tonnes of glass bottles a year worth GBP 9 million, with most of the waste going into landfill sites.
In order to encourage more colle…
UK pubs, clubs, hotels, restaurants and cafes throw away 600,000 tonnes of glass bottles a year worth GBP 9 million, with most of the waste going into landfill sites. In order to encourage more collections to recycle this valuable material, WRAP (the UK“s Waste & Resources Action Programme) launched on 14 September 2005 a toolkit providing guidance on how to successfully establish collections from Licensed Retail Premises (LREs). The toolkit is primarily aimed at existing providers of recycling or trade waste collection services such as waste management companies and local authorities. However, entrepreneurs, community groups and other companies looking to establish a new glass recycling collection service will also find it very helpful, says WRAP. Similarly, licensed premises can use the toolkit to establish what effect glass recycling could have on the bottom line in terms of waste disposal costs. Andy Dawe, Materials Sector Manager for WRAP“s Glass programme, says: “When you calculate the volumes of glass going to waste in monetary terms, GBP 9 million is an unbelievable amount”. “The toolkit is so easy to use and includes a section that calculates how profitable it could be for a company looking to set up a collection service. We have also taken the opportunity to include a section for the licensed premises themselves to highlight the potential waste disposal cost savings. WRAP truly believes this is a win-win opportunity for all involved.” Emma Rees, Office Manager for glass recycling company, ECT Commercial, praised the initiative: “Overall the guide is fantastic and we really could have done with something like this when we were first setting up our own LRE glass recycling.” Mark Gregory, Procurement Manager for Viridor Glass Recycling, added: “I“m impressed with the attention to detail and obvious understanding of the problems any glass collector will be faced with “.