Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Vitro supplies bottles for Tequila Valentn

A new product joins the catalogue of Casa El Viejo Luis, located in Jalisco, Mexico a company that produces and markets tequila. The new tequila is called Valentn and is bottled in bottles supplied by…

A new product joins the catalogue of Casa El Viejo Luis, located in Jalisco, Mexico a company that produces and markets tequila. The new tequila is called Valentn and is bottled in bottles supplied by Vidriera Guadalajara. The bottle is a one litre bottle and is focused on a market segment that has a great potential both in Mexico and in the US and at very competitive prices, explains Edgar Romero, Vitro Glass Containers Western Region marketing manager. Casa El Viejo Luis is a producer and marketer of tequila committed to supplying the best products in terms of quality, service and price. Founded in 2000 its greatness is due to its entire production chain made up of agave producers, distillers and distributors of their own tequilas. He concludes, From our very beginnings we have successfully fulfilled the needs of the tequila industry; the quality and versatility of our manufacturing process allows us to satisfy and help develop this Mexican industry.

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